Rosalda Paim: the meaning of the granting of emeritus professor title awarded by the Fluminense Federal University
Emília Gallindo Cursino1
1Fluminense Federal University
It is delicate the task of selecting and condense in a few pages, the aspects of greatest relief of the life and work of this illustrious teacher when you have a very clear sense that they were all equally significant, each in its own way, to consolidate such singular career in the academic scenario. This editorial rescues part of the speech during the tribute of Professor Emeritus to Professor PhD Rosalda Cruz Nogueira Paim awarded by the Fluminense Federal University. The text aims, in narrative form, whose information was generated from printed and published online references, register a narrow sample of the great contribution made by Prof. Rosalda Paim to the life of the EEAAC / UFF and to the lives of all who had the privilege to get along with her.
Descriptors: History; Memory; Nursing.
Emeritus from Latin, means merecer(1). Professor Emeritus is an honorific title given to distinguished teachers, of great skill, with great knowledge in a particular area. The title of Professor Emeritus of the Fluminense Federal University (UFF) is granted to teachers of the institution that stood out in the exercise of academic activity, the case of the teacher Rosalda Paim. The title award ceremony was held on May 17, 2016, in the auditorium "Dra. Rosalda Paim "of Nursing School Aurora de Afonso Costa (EEAAC).
For this school, the professor emeritus title awarded to Professor Rosalda Paim, has a special meaning, considering her remarkable career.
The past and the future are two poles that the present materializes and unites. So was the masterful life of this illustrious teacher, whose past is exemplified in the actions and attitudes kind, generous, friendly and fraternal that she has always distinguished her superiors, colleagues, students and patients. Your future, certainly, was the result and the sum of all that she did in training nurses and health professionals, in changing health care model and, above all, in the Brazilian nursing modernization.
Rosalda Paim, icon of Brazilian nurses by her relevant role in building the scientific field, for its commitment to health and education, and by her political representation. This editorial will talk about the history of a woman who besides nurse, pedagogue, researcher and congresswoman, was a visionary personality, political activist, defender of public health and nursing care in the different life cycles(2).
Woman dedicated to her family, human, sensitive, witty and generous, was always firm in her convictions and positions.
Our honoree is "capixaba" (name given to whose born in Espírito Santo), was born in Vila Velha, in the state of Espirito Santo, on August 26, 1928, daughter of Valerian Rodrigues da Cruz and Lindaura Evangelista da Cruz. Died on June 2, 2015, in the city of Rio de Janeiro.
She married Edson Paim, dental surgeon, doctor, a retired professor of UFF, political militancy partner, of theoretical production, as well as a great companion who accompanied for more than 60 years. With him had five children, which gave them 12 grandchildren and one great-grandchild.
The beginning
Rosalda Paim graduated in Nursing by Nursing School of Rio de Janeiro State, now called Nursing School Aurora de Afonso Costa (EEAAC / UFF) (1947-1950). She completed the course of Bachelor of Education (1953-1956) and graduated in the same course at the Institute of Philosophy and Human Sciences of the UFF in 1957.
It specializes in the areas of Pediatrics, Hospital Administration and Public Health. Held Master's degree in Education at the Faculty of Education of UFF and PhD in 1975 in Maternal-Child Nursing, defending thesis for teaching by Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro.
In the Nursing School of Rio de Janeiro, Rosalda Paim was teaching instructor from 1950 to 1952. In 1958 she was responsible for the Education Division; and in 1967, she was hired as a teacher assistant in Nursing Fundamentals.
In teaching, she developed activities in various undergraduate courses and post-graduation lato sensu and stricto sensu, highlighting the areas of Maternal-Child, Public Health and Research Methodology. It was a teacher of: Teaching Practice, Didactic Applied to Nursing, Pediatric Nursing, Maternal-Child Nursing. Was research professor from 1978 and guiding research and monographs until 1999.
Effects of her performance as Professor Research Titular
By public contest of tests and titles, was named Professor of the Maternal-Child Nursing Department and Psychiatry at the EEAAC / UFF, where she held the position of department head in the period 1990-1992. Even in the 1990s, she composed a group of teachers who initiated discussions for the creation of a Master's degree in EEAAC / UFF. As effects of her performance in 2005 gave the creation of the Professional Master in Nursing Care (MPEA), being coordinator of honor and professor emeritus; and in 2008, the creation of the Academic Master of Science in Health Care (MACCS)(3).
Was leader of the Research Group "CNPq" (Catalog 1992/93/94/05 and 96-98); exerted intense guidance activity of masterclasses monographs, specialization and scientific research. She presided and integrated examining committees of thesis of free teaching, of masters and doctoral courses in various faculties of Nursing of Rio de Janeiro State and of the country(3).
As a PhD in maternal-child health, theorized about childhood as a stage of human development that needs to be considered a phenomenon in itself, the child's right and not just as a transitional phase(2).
The wide view in the production of research knowledge in health and nursing is expressed in her works. The work of Paim has spread beyond nursing, education, ecology, health planning and social assistance.
In Research-Publications
In the context of the research, produced in 1974, the Theory Systemic Ecological Cybernetics of Nursing, object of her free teaching thesis, and also published in books of her own, "Scientific Methodology of Nursing" and "A paradigm for Nursing ". Among other publications, it highlights the "Systemism Ecological Cybernetic". The whole of her work deals with the systemism, ecology and cybernetics, currently called essential care, ecological and complex(2).
Rosalda Paim theoretically contributed to the advancement of postmodern concepts applied to health and nursing while still predominant paradigm curative, focused on the biomedical model, disregarding the possible relationships between man and the environment. Her scientific production is fertile, composed of books written, by several articles published in journals, presented and published in annals of congress and national and international conferences.
In the University Extension
In her remarkable performance in university extension, include: the Integrated Maternal and Child Health Program (PISMI) - room 149 (HUAP) and the Program Assistance Lecturer in Health Area (Pidas), which had the purpose to extension coverage to the health of the population of Niterói, in a hierarchical line of local health services, and initiate and maintain the process of integrated teaching-service action, the various professionals working in the area; the creation of the Nucleus of Primary Attention to Education and Health (NAPES); and the creation of the Community Daycare Rosalda Paim.
Also in the context of the extension, it stressed the implementation of General Screening of the University Hospital Antonio Pedro (HUAP) reference and counter-reference system resulting from the projects "PISMI" and "PIDAS. Such made preceded the dimensions of the principle of comprehensiveness of the Unified Health System (SUS), proposed in infraconstitutional Law No. 8.080 / 904.
Rosalda Paim was president of the Brazilian Association of Nursing (ABEn) of Niterói, where she also held the coordination of the Education Committee between August 1976 and June 1980.
Her outreach activities have always been intertwined with the teaching and research, so that Rosalda Paim had a notable role in the training of nurses and other health professionals, the paradigm shift in health care and in Brazilian nursing modernization.
In Parliamentary Life - Militancy Policy
Rosalda Paim had significant political expression as the "First Parliamentary Nurse" of Brazil, exercising the mandate in the period from 1983 to 1987. She is the author of more than twenty laws aimed at the health and social, among which: the prohibiting the remunerated blood collection; the creation of the state system of child care; the creation of the day of the elderly; the creation of adolescent health service; and the mandatory installation of community councils in state health facilities, education and social service.
During this period, she chaired the Committee on Health, Education and the other of the Legislative Assembly of the state of Rio de Janeiro.
The Professional Recognition
Among the honors received by Rosalda Paim, throughout her academic life, are mentioned:
1. Professor Emeritus title of Fluminense Federal University;
2. Inclusion in the list of Brazilian scientists, by UFF;
3. Title of "First Parliamentary Nurse of Brazil";
4. Title of citizen of the state of Rio de Janeiro, awarded by the Legislative Assembly;
5. Institution of the Week for Studies and Research Rosalda Paim, of EEAAC / UFF;
6. Community Nursery Name Rosalda Paim a Municipal Unit of Child Education of the city of Niterói/RJ;
7. Name of "Amphitheatre Dr. Rosalda Paim.", the name given to the main auditorium of EEAAC / UFF;
8. Name of "Sports Stadium Rosalda Paim (ROSALDÃO)" awarded by the town hall of Anastacio/MS;
9. Professor Emeritus title awarded by the Educational Foundation of the Serra dos Órgãos (FESO), Teresópolis / RJ;
10. Patroness, Paraninfa and name of several classes of nursing colleges graduates in Niterói, and located in Rio de Janeiro, Teresopolis, Duque de Caxias and Volta Redonda;
11. Title of citizen of the Rio de Janeiro municipalities as Duque de Caxias, Niterói and Italva; and in Anastacio, Mato Grosso do Sul, assigned by the respective councilors chambers.
The best of Prof. Rosalda Paim
The best of Rosalda teacher was not her academic ability and intelligence, but the human person she was. Who had the opportunity to count on her friendship and your fellowship is a bright and can attest to what has been narrated. I hope that these few pages are enough to give a shy manifestation of the great contribution made by the teacher to the life of EEAAC/UFF, to the Brazilian Nursing and to the lives of all who had the privilege to get along with her.
1. Ferreira ABH. Novo Dicionário Aurélio da Língua Portuguesa. 3 ed. Curitiba: Positivo; 2004
2. Teixeira ER, Daher DV, Santana RF, Fonseca TC. Rosalda Paim: a nurse beyond her time. Online braz j nurs [ internet ]. 2012 Aug [ cited 2016 Jun 3 ] 11(2): 408- 17. Available from: 408
3. Universidade Federal Fluminense. Memorial interativo Rosalda Paim [ homepage ] Niterói; 2011. [ cited 2012 Sept 3 ]. Available from:
4. Brasil. Presidência da República, Subchefia para Assuntos Jurídicos. Lei n° 8.080. Dispõe sobre as condições para a promoção, proteção e recuperação da saúde, a organização e funcionamento dos serviços correspondentes e dá outras providencias. [ internet ] Brasília, DF; 1990. [ cited 2016 Jun 2 ]. Available from:
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Received: 06/15/2016
Approved: 06/29/2016