Ongoing health education and standard operating procedure: a convergent care research

Lidiane Peixoto de Almeida1, Elaine Antunes Cortez1
1Fluminense Federal University


Aims: to verify the understanding of professionals regarding the Ongoing Health Education and the Standard Operation Proceedings (SOP); to identify if the health team uses the SOP during care procedures to the patient under hemodialysis; to describe possible challenges to implement SOP by the team that assists hemodialysis; to implement the Ongoing Education program to assist the use of SOP in the Dialysis Center; to elaborate a computer software that will facilitate the use of SOP. Method: this is a descriptive study, based on Convergent Care Research; qualitative approach; data collection through semi-structured interviews and workshops. Registered in photographs and audio-recording. Participants: staff members and resident physicians of the Dialysis Center of the Antonio Pedro College hospital. Criteria of inclusion: staff members at service and working in the Dialysis Center. Treatment of information: analysis of content, according to Bardin, for the interviews; and analysis of discourse for the workshops, according to the theoretical reference of Paulo Freire. Results: this study will provoke the discussion over the importance of Ongoing Education in hemodialysis.

Descriptors: Nursing, Team; Education, Continuing; Renal Insufficiency.


The worries with the quality in health service delivery is not recent. In order the patient is able to get a quality service, it is necessary a managerial system that recognizes his needs. The best way to initiate a standardization is through the understanding how the whole process works; in this case, it is necessary a system representation, such as the Standard Operation Procedure (SOP).

In the process of hemodialysis care of the patient in need, the nursing team as a fundamental role aiming the improvement of the quality of life of the individual. Based on that, it is possible to believe that orientation procedures to assist the patient to control the chronical renal illness is not the only measure the professional needs to perform, but also to confirm and to follow up the diagnose, developing strategies that help the patient during hemodialysis sessions, and to offer him an adequate support so to achieve a positive result.

The practical experience of the main author of this article in a hemodialysis unit permitted her to observe during the nursing team meetings the challenge the professional have in reading, and as a consequence, in applying SOP due to the large number of information present in those guidelines. They are tiring and unstimulating activities to be performed individually. In other parts of the hospital, there were no assisting team meetings to update the information to nurses about the use of SOP, as it happens in other college hospitals where this practice is experienced on a regular basis.

Therefore, it is believed that the creation of ongoing educational actions aimed to implement SOP will enable professionals in a constant update mood and the spread of information regarding such procedures, which guarantees an improvement in care practice.


Does the nursing team use SOP during the care procedures to the patient in hemodialysis? Which are the possible challenges found to implement SOP in hemodialysis? How to implement strategies to facilitate the use of SOP in health education of nursing professionals of the Dialysis Center?


To to verify the understanding of professionals regarding the Ongoing Health Education and the Standard Operation Proceedings (SOP); to identify if the health team uses the SOP during care procedures to the patient under hemodialysis; to describe possible challenges to implement SOP by the team that assists hemodialysis; to implement the Ongoing Education program to assist the use of SOP in the Dialysis Center; to elaborate a computer software that will facilitate the use of SOP.


This is a descriptive study, of a converging care research, with a qualitative approach, to be performed in the Dialysis Center of the Antonio Pedro College Hospital. The estimated sample size is 50 staff members of the mentioned center, composed by physicians, nephrology resident physicians, nurses, nursing technicians, and nurse assistants. The criteria of inclusion used to select the individuals were: staff members currently present in the center, arriving or leaving their shifts, who are also working directly in the Dialysis Center, and dealing directly with the patient.

The exclusions were professionals who were not from medicine or nursing background, and those who are not directly connected to the assistance of patients in the hemodialysis room. Regular meetings will be used to evaluate the demand of SOP. Data collection is scheduled to occur June/July 2016, when researches will run the semi-structured interview questionnaire, and analyze its content according to the proposals of Laurence Bardin to treat the data. After listening the participants through workshops of active methodologies in ongoing health education, there will be designed SOP flowcharts as a better alternative to get professionals closer to the standards of the unit. Besides that, there will be used the analysis of discourse to evaluate the data, between August and October 2016. The meetings will be registered through notes, pictures, and audio records. The discussions, interpretations, and analysis over the data will be guided by the Brazilian National Ongoing Education Policy, by the inter-related concepts brought by the theoretical mark of Paulo Freire, and discourse analysis. As a product, the institution will get flowcharts with the main SOP, and a computer/smartphone software, aimed to assist professionals to have easier access to the summary flowcharts of SOP. This research was approved by the Committee of Ethics in Research of Medicine School at the Fluminense Federal University, Protocol #1.478.802, issued on April 5th 2016.


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Received: 06/09/2016 Revised: 10/04/2016 Approved: 10/13/2016