Pedagogical practice in terms of physical education at the Fluminense Federal Institute: a descriptive study


Carlos Augusto Sanguedo Boynard1, Donizete Vago Daher1

1Fluminense Federal University


Aims: To describe the knowledge of teachers, in terms of the pedagogical project of the course and its syllabus. To demonstrate the characteristics of the teaching practice related to Physical Education at the Fluminense Federal Institute (FFI), campus Campos Centro; and to analyze the constraints and potentialities experienced by teachers in the teaching-learning process in physical education.
Method: This is a qualitative approach of the descriptive type. It will take place in the period from January to July 2015. All participants will be the thirteen active Physical Education teachers who have been working for at least ten years. In this study, we will use a questionnaire in the form of a semi-structured interview, which will include seven (07) open questions, divided into 24 items related to the pedagogical practice of teachers. The convergent and divergent responses will be analyzed and subsequently categorized, based on the affinities of the answers.
Descriptors: Faculty; Learning; Physical Education and Training; Curriculum.



Physical Education teachers are health professionals. Therefore, their educational activities include programmatic content that goes beyond the work hitherto considered by many researchers as traditional command and response. Thus, it seeks to overcome the simple and disarticulated repetition of contents in the teaching of physical education, by means of reviewing the practice of sports.

The implementation process of the curriculum components aims at using transverse themes that transform the theoretical approach into pleasant moments where the teaching-learning process can develop, not only for the body, but also for the intellect, culture and habits for achieving citizenship(1). The same applies to the ways of being, feeling and acting of teachers, which may change when there are alterations in the Pedagogical Project (PP) syllabus(2). This new thinking individual should not only be a sports’ technician, observant of its rules. He/she, more than ever, must be prepared to encourage students to develop new methodological attitudes in which the critical development of human movement and physical education can be understood as an integral part of society. Currently, the Fluminense Federal Institute (FFI) experiences countless physical interventions aimed at improving and modernizing its facilities, generating the need to create alternatives for the maintenance of everyday educational practices. As in any other field of knowledge, there are issues that deserve investigation in physical education, from analysis in terms of the training of professionals, and their methodologies and work processes. At school, physical education should not be restricted solely to body movement. Most importantly, students should have the opportunity to meet and discuss topics such as social, reflective, critical, philosophical and transformative movements, since regular physical activity provides many health benefits and can act as a form of prevention, control, treatment or the rehabilitation of chronic diseases(3).



Does the teacher, at the FFI campus, Campos Centro, know the PP of the course and its curriculum? How do physical education teachers carry out their pedagogical practice in the institution?



To describe the knowledge of teachers in terms of the PP of the course and the syllabus; to identify the knowledge of teachers in terms of the PP and the syllabus; to demonstrate the characteristics of teaching practice related to Physical Education and to analyze the constraints and potentialities experienced by teachers in the teaching-learning process in physical education.



This study aims at contributing to proposals for a revisited pedagogical attitude in terms of Physical Education. This theme is unlikely to be exhaustive and alternatives can be presented in order to reorient the theoretical and practical teaching of physical education at the FFI.



This is a descriptive study, whose scenario will be the campus Campos Centro in the FFI, in the city of Campos dos Goytacazes, in the state of Rio de Janeiro. Thirteen (13) Physical Education teachers, who are participating in the study, must meet the following inclusion criteria: they must be part of the permanent staff and participate in the study by signing the Informed Consent (IC).

Teachers who are away from physical education classes for different reasons, such as swaps and licenses, will be excluded from the study. Data collection will take place from January to July 2015.

As a tool for data collection, we will use the Physical Education syllabus, as a documentary source, and a semi-structured interview by means of a questionnaire, which will include personal data for identification and seven (7) open questions, divided into 24 items related to the pedagogical practice of teachers. Apart from the questions, we will observe whether the teachers are aware of the syllabus. Their responses, whether convergent or divergent, will be analyzed, based on the affinities of their answers and categories will be created.

All study participants will have their identities preserved, according to Resolution 466/12, which deals with research involving human beings. This research was approved at the Research Ethics Committee of the University Hospital Antonio Pedro on May 08th, 2015, under number CAAE: 41678915.4.0000.5243.



1. Ministério da Educação (Brasil), Secretaria de Educação Fundamental.Parâmetros Curriculares NacionaisEducação física. Brasília: MEC/SEF; 2001.

2. Araújo, AMPB, Abrahão, AL. Análise da formação em saúde: uma cartografia das mudanças curriculares no ensino. Online Braz J of Nurs [ internet ]. 2012 [ cited 2015 Jun 23 ] 11(2).Available from: 

3. Bernardes LE, Silva ARV, Costa JV, Freitas RWJF, Campos KBAC, Deus ZLC. Practice of physical activity on the part of adolescents attending public schools: a descriptive study. Online braz j nurs [ Internet ]. 2012 Nov [ Cited 2015 Jun 17 ] 12 (1): 20917. Available from: doi:


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Professor and Doctor Donizete Vago Daher               (President) – UFF
Professor and Doctor André Luiz Marques Gomes    (1st Examiner) – U. CATOLICA
Professor and Doctor Mônica Villela Gouvêa              (2nd Examiner) - UFF



Received: 03/31/2015
Revised: 07/01/2015
Approved: 07/01/2015