Seven errors game in the scientific papers submission process (Part 6): discussions between Faust and Mephistopheles
Eny Dorea Paiva1
1Fluminense Federal University
This editorial proposes a reflection on information technology in regard to digital inclusion and the scientific articles submission process. When it comes to the publication of scientific articles, there is a tendency for journals to be no longer printed, but to be made electronically, not only for environmental purposes but for the advancement of technology itself. During the manuscript submission process, many authors have difficulties in managing the platforms of these journals. In order to reduce this difficulty, part of the magazines prepares tutorials; however, these tutorials are not always used or are poorly understood. Nevertheless, outsourcing the digital technological handling concerning the need for digital inclusion as a kind of protection and impermeability is a reckless and anachronistic act. Periodicals have an important share in this digital education process as a way to safeguard its most precious possession: the knowledge producers.
Descriptors: Quality Publishing; Access to Information; Evidence-Based Nursing.
Act I - There is a popular German saying, written in the fifteenth century that there was a pact between doctor Faust and Mephistopheles demon (enemy of light). Dr. Faust, disillusioned with the knowledge of his time, made a deal with Mephistopheles when it was established that he would live for twenty-four years without growing old and, in the meantime, the devil would serve Faust, providing him with Satanic energy for inspiring the passion for technics and progress.
In recent years, advances in information technology and telecommunications influence the nature and speed of the dissemination process of information and communication technologies, resulting in significant changes involving not only the technological dimension, but also socio-cultural, political and institutional societies as a whole. This context favors the spread of information across borders that will gradually disappear, resulting in an integrated world society. And in a globalized economy it means millions of users connected to mobile devices, the Internet and social networks(1). Data collected in 2015 show that the total number of accesses for mobile broadband in Brazil exceeds 181 million(2), corresponding to a high share of the population, projected at 204 million inhabitants on 30 September 2015(3).
Under these circumstances, information technology can be defined as the set of all activities and solutions provided by computing resources that are designed to enable the production, storage, transmission, access, security and the use of information(4).The information society emerged from the engendering of this transformations framework and in different degrees, reaches to all countries and regions of the world and opens a pattern of distinct capitalist accumulation: a new techno-economic paradigm, based on the increasing use of information, knowledge and technological innovation as key drivers of social and economic development(5).
The idea that individuals and nations that do not effectively use information technology will be "left behind" advances as an argument to justify the need to provide means of access as a persuasion strategy for those supposedly less aware of the centrality of technology.
Act II - On the other hand, Fausto mortgaged his soul to Mephistopheles who, at the end of 24 years, now putatively could at last take him to hell.
In this context, this editorial proposes a reflection on information technology in regard to digital inclusion and scientific articles submission process. Digital inclusion corresponds to the spread of access to the resources of information technology, enabling the insertion of numerous people in the information society. Therefore, it is not just the simple access to communication and information technology, but also the motivation strategies and ability to conscious and innovative use of technological resources(6).
The demand for digital domain is coated in a public concern that affects the ministry level, with the Digital Inclusion Secretariat of the Ministry of Brazil Communications, created in 2011, whose main assignment is the formulation, implementation and coordination of public policies for the Digital Inclusion within the Federal Government(7).
Topics such as digital inclusion and its relationship to education, content and human resources are priorities that need to be considered. Authors state that these concerns were not overcome, and shall appear together in the information policy aimed at the digital inclusion participation, both in the historical concept of full citizenship, and the new concept of social cohesion(8).
Regarding the publication of scientific articles, the trend is that journals are no longer printed to be made electronically, not only for environmental issues but also for the advancement of technology itself. We can see nowadays that many authors have difficulties in managing the platforms of these magazines during the submission process of their manuscripts. And in order to reduce them, part of the journals prepares tutorials. However, in reality, limitations during the submission process are still perceived, either by not using the tutorial or even the lack of understanding in terms of the steps described therein.
However, outsourcing the digital technological handling concerning the need for digital inclusion as a kind of protection and impermeability is a reckless and anachronistic act, comparable to Faust’s pact.
Although authors report the importance of recognizing the right to make a non-use of information technology(5), the non-use of such technologies in the submission process of scientific articles is no longer plausible.
Society needs to be attentive to the formation of individuals, helping them to develop their skills in order to prepare them to actively participate in modern life(9).
Thus, the advancement of technology and the inclusion in the digital age bring facilities for professionals/authors in the publication of the results of their research, fostering scientific and community knowledge. Information technology assists and helps on the knowledge creation and dissemination and academic findings and it enables nurses to solidify their knowledge.
Act III - During the course and comfort of power without limit earned by the pact, Faust finds his true love, Daisy, who tries to renegotiate salvation, however, the destination as committed was implacable.
We conclude, therefore, that being aware of the irrevocable and irreversible digital universe around us is wiser than making a pact with Mephistopheles. Naturally, the journals have an important role in this digital education process as a way to safeguard its most precious possession: the knowledge producers.
1. Finardi KR, Porcino MC. Tecnologia e metodologia no ensino de inglês: impactos da globalização e da internacionalização. Ilha Desterro [ online ]. 2014 [ cited 2015 Sept 28 ] 66: 239-283. Available from:http://www.scielo.br/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S2175-80262014000100239&lng=en&nrm=iso>. ISSN 2175-8026. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5007/2175-8026.2014n66p239
2. Ministério das Comunicações (Brasil). Resumo de indicadores comunicações. [ homepage ] [ cited 2015 Sept 28 ]. Available from: http://www.mc.gov.br/formularios-e-requerimentos/doc_download/2373-dados-de-bolso
3. Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística [ homepage ] [ cited 25 Sept 2015 ]. Available from: http://www.ibge.gov.br/home/
4. Ministério do Trabalho (Brasil). Era da tecnologia da informação. Revista Eletrônica – Coordenação Geral de Informática – MTE [ internet ]. 2014 [ cited2015 Sept 24 ] 1(1). Available from:http://revistaeletronica.mte.gov.br/ojs/index.php/erati/index
5. Araújo EN, Rocha E. Trajetória da sociedade da informação no Brasil: proposta de mensuração por meio de um indicador sintético. Ci. Inf. 2009 Sept/Dec; 38(3):9-20.
6. Carvalho LA. Inclusão digital no Brasil. Revista eletrônica – MTE [ internet ] 2014 [cited 2015 Sept 27] 1(1). Available from: http://revistaeletronica.mte.gov.br/ojs/index.php/erati/article/view/8
7. Ministério das Comunicações (Brasil). Estrutura - Secretaria de Inclusão Digital (SID). [ homepage ]. [ cited 2015 Sept 24 ]. Available from: http://www.mc.gov.br/estrutura-institucional/142-institucional/secretaria-de-inclusao-digital/32325-secretaria-de-inclusao-digital-sid
8. Neves, BC. Políticas de informação, as tecnologias de informação e comunicação e a participação no âmbito da sociedade da informação: enfoque na inclusão digital do global ao local. TransInformação. 2010 Jan/Apr; 22(1):47-60.
9. Araújo DAC, Slavez MHC, Valadão RS. Cursos de formação de professores e a nova demanda educacional nascida na era digital. Revista InterAtividade [ internet ] 2013 [ cited 2015 Sept 24 Σ(2). Available from:http://www.firb.br/editora/index.php/interatividade/article/view/58/97
Retzsch. Johann Faust [ ilustração ]. [ s.l. ] 2006. Available from: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Johann_Faust_by_Retzsch.jpg
Approved: 09/24/2015