2014 Annual Balance – OBJN Fast!


Dalmo Valério Machado de Lima1, Eny Dórea Paiva1

1Fluminense Federal University


We come to 2014’s last edition full of satisfaction with the results and especially excited about the new features for 2015. This bundle of new features includes: (a) submitted papers will now be checked by iThenticate, the greatest tool for plagiarism detection the world; (b) all the figures will be checked by specific software for image plagiarism detection; (c) Articles accepted for publication will run on social networks and blogs of OBJN partners, after adjusting the central idea by the author and a journalist, a practice adopted by the most famous publishers, called press release; (d) incorporation of a section in the home page of the submitted material, with the following information up to 40 words each, provided by the author: What is known about the topic? What the study adds to what is already known?
Descriptors: Quality Publication; Access to Information; Evidence-Based Nursing.


We come to 2014’s last edition full of satisfaction with the results and especially excited about the new features for 2015.
This bundle of new features includes:

  1. Submitted papers will now be checked by iThenticate, the greatest tool for plagiarism detection the world.
  2. All the figures will be checked by specific software for image plagiarism detection.
  3. Articles accepted for publication will run on social networks and blogs of OBJN partners, after adjusting the central idea by the author and a journalist, a practice adopted by the most famous publishers, called press release.
  4. Incorporation of a section in the home page of the submitted material, with the following information up to 40 words each, provided by the author: What is known about the topic? What the study adds to what is already known?
  5. In order to ensure transparency and impartiality in the evaluation, the names of the editor and section editor in charge for the management of the approved submission will be included in the end of the article, immediately above the receipt, review and approval dates.
  6. OBJN publicly assumes that all material submitted from 2015 onwards, after format adequacy and verification of the items required by the librarian, will receive its final evaluation answer, either approval or rejection within 60 days. It is the OBJN Fast!
  7. The first innovation is immediate. Now the referees who perform reviews with OBJN standard quality(a) will get:
    1. Priority for the evaluation of the article when they appear as authors;
    2. Publication fee exemption;
    3. Review Statement with the score for each assessed article;
    4. Publication of referee’s name and institution in the last issue of the year, as our thanks for the partnership in the ending year, and the hope that it is renewed in the new one coming.

And the best is that nothing of this will impact on the low cost publication policy for our authors. I.E., there will be no increases in the rates charged by OBJN.
Therefore, here are the referees of OBJN in the year 2014. To them, our gratitude and friendship:



Received: 09/19/2014
Revised: 09/19/2014
Approved: 09/19/2014