OBJN won a scholarship for the fifth international congress on peer review in biomedical publication promoted by the american medical association


The OBJN has been selected for the Sponsored Scholars Program to participate in the Fifth International Congress on Peer Review in Biomedical Publication and the PreCongress Short Course for Editors, September 14-18, 2005, in Chicago, Illinois. As a Sponsored Scholar the OBJN´s editor, Dr. Isabel Cruz, is entitled to receive financial assistance for her travel to and from Chicago and her hotel accommodations.

The program for the Peer Review Congress is available on the Congress Web site at and the Tim Albert's Short Course for Medical Journal Editors at

We look forward to seeing you in Chicago too!


This scholarship is so important for us because  it confirms  that  sharing knowledge empowers nursing science! 

Online Brazilian Journal of Nursing August 2005; 4 (2) 


