Work process at the hospitals’ archive sector: descriptive study


Maria Amelia Costa1, Ana Lúcia Abrahão2

1 Rio de Janeiro Federal University
2 Fluminense Federal University


Aims: to investigate the production forms that are verified in the work environment at public hospitals’ archive sector, related to the daily life of their workers; to analyze possible strategies used by these workers to develop their activities in the health care work process at public hospitals’ archive sector.

Method: descriptive study with a quality approach that will use data-gathering techniques such as: simple observation with daily record in the field and semi structured interviews. The participation will be of subjects who work for more than 4 years at Fernandes Figueiras Institute/Fiocruz, over 25 years-old, interns excluded. The data treatment will be through content analysis, from the material gathered in the field. The results will be organized, making possible to consider the production of specialties present in the work process.
Descriptors: Public Health; Continuous Education; Hospitals; Workflow.



The health care work processes found in daily microscopic dimension in hospitals have been counting on workers from different education levels to work in many different fronts(1), being the majority in the basic and medium levels. In a certain way, those have had a fundamental role in the support of the work force composition in health care area, besides representing the greater contingent of health care workers in Brazil, taking vital actions in the intermediacy of productive process among the different areas in health care. Therefore, it must consider that a variety of diverse situations can happen in their routines. So, how such diversity should be dealt with in their daily activities? Is their relationship in the work process becoming a resistance strategy in daily health care work as a way to rearrange the possibilities for the workers to develop their activities?

In this way, it is essential to identify, within the disputes that characterize their work(2), production forms to singularize as a result of the strategies/procedures of their routine of actions and activities.



To investigate the production forms verified in the work environment at the public hospitals archive sector related to the workers’ daily life; to analyze possible strategies these workers take to develop their activities in the health care work process at the public hospitals archive sector.



A descriptive study with a quality approach, to be developed at the public hospitals archive sector in Rio de Janeiro. In order to research the work process developed by archive workers at public hospitals, especially those that are directly related to workers’ daily life, there will be necessary the construction and utilization of a method that makes possible to apprehend the dynamicity and complexity inherent to the researched object. So, the path built for this investigation brings as a tool what has been built in health care area in relation to qualitative research(3). In this approach, the instruments used are: simple observation; field journal and semi structured interviews, from August to December 2013. There will be 20 professionals participating, randomly chosen. Because it is a qualitative research, this number can be reduced, to avoid recurrence and/or repetition in the speech. The inclusion of subjects for the field work will follow the criteria such as: working for at least 4 years at the archive sector of Pediatrics and Child Institute Martagão Gesteira/UFRJ or at Fernandes Figueiras Institute/Fiocruz, over 25 years-old. Interns and students will be excluded. The simple observation will be accomplished at their workplace, and will focus on: the activities routine (functions, demands, agendas and others), the organization/distribution of physical space and the relationship among the workers; in this sense, it is necessary to identify the main elements used by the workers in their work process, as well as the use of existent resources. The field journal will be important investigation instrument, because besides keeping the information obtained in the field, it will permit analysis and consideration about the daily life to better theorize about the research. The interviews will be taped and will be individual and/or collective, in accordance to the moment the participants are working. The interviews and observation material will take the content analysis as reference for data treatment.



1. Ferreira GSM, Ponte KMA, Aragão AEA, Arruda LP, Ferreira FIS. Continuos education of professionals in the hospital environment: An exploratory study - preliminary note. Online braz j nurs [ Internet ]. 2012 October [ Cited 2013 Sept 18 ] 11 (2): 488-91. Available from: doi:

2. Merhy EE. Enfrentar a lógica do processo de trabalho em saúde: um ensaio sobre a micropolítica do trabalho vivo em ato, no cuidado. In: Carvalho SR, Ferigato S, Barros ME. editores. Conexões Saúde Coletiva e Políticas de Subjetividade. São Paulo: Hucitec; 2009. p. 276-300.

3. Minayo MCS. Pesquisa social: teoria, método e criatividade. Petrópolis, Rio de Janeiro: Vozes; 2009.



Doctorate thesis project of Post-Graduation Program in Clinical Medicine of Rio de Janeiro Federal University. Approved by the Ethics in Research Committee of Pediatrics and Child Institute Martagão Gesteira/UFRJ (IPPMG), under nr 339.227 on 07/23/2013.
Orientation: Ana Lúcia Abrahão.


Received: 03/09/2013
Revised: 30/09/2013
Approved: 30/09/2013