The institutionalization of teaching of psychosocial care in medicine: an institutional socio-clinical study
Wagner de Oliveira Rodrigues1, Lúcia Cardoso Mourão2
1, 2 Fluminense Federal University
Medical training in psychosocial care has presented difficulties in terms of meeting health policies and mental health aims.
Aim: To analyze the institutionalization of the psychosocial care teaching processes conducted in practice scenarios of the Family Health Strategy, as part of the formation of the medical professional.
Method: This is a socio-clinical and institutional study, in which a qualitative approach was used. Data collection will take place in the period from September to December 2013 through semi-structured interviews and group sessions. The participants will be teachers, students and tutors involved in teaching and care giving. The data will be analysed in the light of the French institutional analysis developed by Lourau-lapassadeana. We intend to contribute to reflections on medical education regarding its appropriateness for psychosocial care, in line with the principles of health and mental health policies.
Descriptors: Mental Health, Higher Education, Medical Education, Family Health.
Political, cultural, social, administrative and legal changes in the field of health and mental health have been implemented to ensure the quality of healthcare for the Brazilian population. In parallel, curricular changes have been made so that health education will contribute to consolidating the guidelines of the Unified Health System (UHS) and psychosocial care.
Curriculum changes promoted by Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) have, as their focus, the principles of the National Curriculum Guidelines (NCG). They propose, for courses in the area of health, and specifically for undergraduate courses in medicine, the development of a generalist, humanist, critical and reflective professional, with skills and competence to act in the treatment of illness in an ethical and engaged manner(1).
However, the teaching of psychosocial care in medical courses does not sufficiently address the needs and expectations of society, targeting training and assistance in terms of the reproduction of the biologicist model and the fragmentation of care(2).
In this sense, the object of this study is the institutionalization of the process of psychosocial care teaching, conducted in practice settings of the Family Health Strategy (FHS), in the training of medical professionals in the municipality of Teresópolis/RJ. We expect to contribute to the deepening of reflections as part of the professional training of physicians, specifically regarding their qualification to practice psychosocial care in line with the principles of health and of mental health policies.
To analyze the institutionalization of the psychosocial care teaching process performed in practical scenarios of the FHS as part of the development of medical professionals of the University Center Serra dos Órgãos (UNIFESO).
We assume that adequate medical training in psychosocial care should be carried out in a context of interaction between the university and the health services, so that teachers, tutors and students can build knowledge in action, and provide a better life quality to UHS users.
This study may be defined, from a methodological standpoint, as a socio-clinical institutional one that will carry out the institutional analysis of practices. The intention will be to explore joint thinking with regard to the fate of patients and the institutional and political changes in establishments such as the health and educational organizations(3).
From this perspective, it is noted that, in this study, the phenomenon represents the institutionalization of the psychosocial care teaching process performed in practical scenarios of the FHS, with regard to the training of medical professionals in the municipality of Teresopolis/RJ.
Data collection will be conducted in group sessions and semi-structured interviews in the period from September to December 2013. Through group sessions we intend to promote a collective discussion on the formation of psychosocial care as part of the medical course. We will carry out semi-structured interviews with qualified informants in the pursuit of information not captured by the group meeting.
The survey participants in terms of their respective scenarios of action will be teachers who work directly in the teaching of psychosocial care and on curriculum committees, in the evaluation and integration of the education, work and community of UNIFESO; students who will are in the fourth year of their medical program; the preceptor nurses, physicians and community health workers, working in the selected ESF, which, by agreement with the university, work with undergraduate medical students to develop the practice of psychosocial care.
Data will be analyzed through the use of the French institutional analysis of Lourau-lapassadeana, especially in terms of the concepts of instituted, instituting and institutionalization, implication and analyzer(3).
Each group of participants will be asked to sign a free and informed consent form, respecting the guidelines established in Resolution 466/12 of the National Health Council, which deals with the ethical conduct related to research involving humans.
1. Streit DS, Maciel DT, Zanolli MB.Contribuição para a formação de médicos de acordo com as necessidades da sociedade: interação com as políticas de articulação ensino, serviço, sociedade implementadas pelo Ministério da Saúde. Cadernos ABEM. 2009; 5:21-9.
2. Albuquerque VS, Campos JCL. Saúde Mental no currículo integrado do Curso de Enfermagem da UNIFESO: diversificação de cenários e de estratégias de ensino-aprendizagem. Rev pesqui cuid fundam (Online) [ internet ]. 2010 Oct [ cited 2013 June 01 ]. 2(4):1516-27. Available from:
3. Mourão LC, L'Abbate S. Teaching implications in curricular transformations in the field of Health: a socio-historical analysis. Online braz j nurs [ Internet ]. 2011 Dec [ Cited 2013 Sep 2 ] 10 (3): [about 7 p.]. Available from: doi:
Dissertation project of the Professional Master's Program in Health Education, FFU.
Advisor: Lúcia Cardoso Mourão
Mailing address:
Received: 30/08/2013
Revised: 25/09/2013
Approved: 27/09/2013