Paradigmatic perspectives of the technological production of Postgraduate Nursing courses: a descriptive study


Zenith Rosa Silvino1, Iraci dos Santos2

1Fluminense Federal University
2Rio de Janeiro State University


Problem: it is relevant to investigate the way postgraduate nurses have been developing their technological production so as to meet the patients’ demands as well as collaborating to the work of the nursing practice.
Aim: to analyze the technological productions in the dissertations produced in Professional Postgraduate courses in Social Care between 2006 and 2012, taking into account the paradigmatic perspectives that guide such productions.
Method: this is a descriptive and analytical study that has been based on the dissertations available at the Thesis Database and at the digital database of the scientific production in nursing technology throughout the last decade: from 2003 to 2013. The analysis and discussion are based on the descriptive-analytic synthesis method. It takes into consideration the law that regulates professional master’s courses and the related scientific literature, using the multi-referential theory as a support.  
Descriptors: Education, Nursing, Graduate; Education, Professional; Scientific Research and Technological Development; Technology; Biomedical Technology.



It is a study for the Nursing Training Postdoctoral program of the Rio de Janeiro State University (UERJ) within the following research line: Fundamentals of philosophy, theory and technology with regard to nursing care. The justification for this study is based on the challenges faced by postgraduate nurses to produce technology that complies with the rules established by the Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education (CAPES). Also, it is based on the demands of the nursing daily practice and on the necessity to find out about the productions that are in line with the demands in the areas of management, social care and education. In addition, it is important to investigate how nurses have been developing their technological production so as to meet the patients’ demands as well as collaborating to the nursing team’s practice and perhaps helping to reduce the costs for institutions. Furthermore, it intends not only to show the technological production in the nursing care field, but also the conditions that lead nurses to propose solutions for problems in daily practice. There are many rules established by CAPES with regard to stricto sensu education and the evolution of methods of assessment. It is perceived that there is a gap between the nursing technological production and the technological perspectives in which this production is based. It is worth noting that there was no difference between the assessment forms of professional and academic master’s courses in the past. Both modalities emphasized the importance of publishing scientific articles in journals.  Also, the publishing of scientific articles “especially meets the demands of stricto sensu postgraduate courses, taking into consideration their method of assessment.”(1:3)



What are the products developed by the postgraduate professionals in Professional Postgraduate courses in Social Care (MPEA)?
How does the relationship between the Scientific Community and the production of goods/products and symbolic production by postgraduate professionals happen?



To analyze the technological production in the dissertations produced in the MPEA at Fluminense Federal University (UFF).

To identify the technological production in the dissertations produced in the MPEA at Fluminense Federal University (UFF);
To identify the features of the Nursing Community’s technological production;
To classify the technological production of the MPEA’s dissertations, taking into account the relationship established between the Scientific Community and the production of goods/products and symbolic production.



This is a descriptive and analytical study using a qualitative approach. The data has been collected from dissertations available in the Thesis Database and in the digital database for the scientific production in nursing technology throughout the last decade: from 2003 to 2013. The analysis and discussion are based on the descriptive-analytic synthesis method. It takes into consideration the laws that regulate professional postgraduate courses and the related scientific literature, using the multi-referential theory.(2,3)

The paradigm basis bears close proximity, both physical and logical, to the concept of scientific community, that is, “the shared knowledge shared by the scientific community’s members.”(2:313) The nursing community is characterized as such because its members resort to the same literature and share similar lessons, techniques and sources. So, this study intends to investigate the conception of scientific production held by this community.




1. Cruz ICF. Online Brazilian Journal of Nursing - an online resource for scientific communication in health caring?. Online braz j nurs [ Internet ]. 2010 Dec [ cited 2013 Aug 28 ] 9(3): [ about 5 p. ]. Available from: doi:  

2. Kunh TS. A tensão essencial: estudos selecionados sobre tradição e mudança científica. São Paulo: UNESP; 2011.

3. Merhy EE. Saúde: a cartografia do trabalho vivo. 3. ed. São Paulo: HUCITEC; 2007.


Nursing Training Postdoctoral program of the Rio de Janeiro State University (UERJ)
Since this study deals with information in the public domain and does not involve human beings in the data collection process, no IRB approval is required.


Received: 28/08/2013
Revised: 30/08/2013
Approved: 02/09/2013