System of Indicators for Human Capital Management in Nursing: a methodological study
Tony de Oliveira Figueiredo1, Barbara Pompeu Christovam1
1Fluminense Federal University
This is a Dissertation Research Project from the Social Care Master’s Program at the Fluminense Federal University (UFF).
General aim: To develop a system of indicators for human capital management in nursing at Antonio Pedro University Hospital.
Specific aims: To highlight the theoretical fundamentals related to systems of indicators for human capital management within the hospital environment. Based on the experience of nurse managers, this study aims to identify the main features concerning the use of a system of indicators for human capital management in nursing.
Method: This is a methodological study using quantitative and qualitative approaches that will be developed in the following three stages: (1st) an integrative review of the scientific literature; (2nd) interviews with the nurse managers of the aforementioned hospital; (3rd) the development of a system of indicators for human capital management in nursing.
Descriptors: Nursing Staff, Hospital; Management Indicators; Information System; Health Human Resource Evaluation; Health Management.
Several management-related factors have an influence upon the quality of the nursing team and the services delivered by them. It is important to note that the lack of a system of indicators for human capital management negatively affects the nurse managers’ practice. Management systems are essential for the development of any work, since they give support for planning, monitoring, developing and assessing the workforce.(1) Since the concept of quality is abstract and difficult to assess, it becomes necessary to adopt some concrete and consensual tools to support decision making and management actions.(2) Social care indicators are widely used. However, there is a lack of information when it comes to management indicators and this is what justifies the present study. This study has also addressed the theme of “Human Capital in Organizations”.
How might we provide the nurse managers at University Hospital Antonio Pedro (HUAP) with effective support to assess the quality level of the human capital management in the hospital so as to enable them to quantify and make comparisons based on quality standards? What is the evidence in the scientific literature about indicators for human capital management within a hospital environment? What do the nurse managers at HUAP know about human capital management in nursing?
To develop a system of indicators for human capital management in nursing at HUAP.
To highlight the theoretical fundamentals related to systems of indicators for human capital management within a hospital environment. Based on the experience of nurse managers, this study aims to identify the main features concerning the use of a system of indicators for human capital management in nursing.
This study assumes that it is possible to develop a system of indicators for human capital management in nursing at HUAP by connecting the information from the scientific literature with the nurse managers’ personal experience.
It is a methodological study using quantitative and qualitative approaches. By definition, methodological studies tend to look into methods of collecting and organizing data, and conducting research. This type of study involves the development, validation and assessment of research methods and tools.(3) It will be developed in three stages: (1st) an integrative review of the scientific literature from 1998 to 2013. This work was carried out in September, 2012, and updated in May, 2013. The sources of data that have been used are the Virtual Health Library (VHL) and the Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature (CINAHL), using the following descriptors: Health Management, Health Human Resources and Nursing Human Resources at Hospitals. This review has not only helped to shed some light on the theme, but also helped with the data collection; (2nd) interviews with the nurse managers from HUAP in order to identify relevant points related to the use of a system of indicators for human capital management in nursing. The interviewees will be the nurse managers (Director and assistant) and the nursing management coordinators in Ambulatory Management; Emergency Management; Management of Diagnosis and Image Procedures; General and Specialized Surgery Management; and Women and Children’s Health Management. This study will involve seven participants. The inclusion criteria are: the nurse must have worked at the hospital for at least three years and must have at least one year’s experience in nursing management. This study has excluded those nurses who are on holiday and professionals who are away from work due to illnesses. The data collection will be carried out in September and October, 2013, using semi-structured interviews. Data analysis will be undertaken throughout November and December, 2013, using ALCEST 4.9 software (license: Image-8RUEDUPRADO31.100.TOULUSE.FRANCE), which helps the researcher by analyzing the interview transcriptions automatically; (3rd) development of a system of indicators for human capital management in nursing at HUAP, based on the data collected in the first two stages. This stage will be undertaken in January, February and March, 2014.
1. Brasil. Conselho Nacional de Secretários de Saúde. A Gestão do Trabalho e da Educação na Saúde Brasília: CONASS; 2011. (Para Entender a Gestão do SUS, v. 9).
2. Kurcgant P, Melleiro MM, Tronchin DMR. Indicadores para avaliação de qualidade do gerenciamento de recursos humanos em enfermagem. Rev bras enferm. 2008 Oct; 61 (5): 539-44.
3. Lima DVM. Research design: a contribution to the author. Online braz j nurs [ Internet ]. 2011 Oct [ Cited 2013 Aug 26 ] 10 (2): [ about 4 p. ] Available from:
Project details
Dissertation Research Project from the Social Care Nursing Master’s Program at the Fluminense Federal University (UFF), under protocol no. CAAE: 15978813.4.0000.5243.
Researcher’s Mentor: Barbara Pompeu Christovam
Financial support: Pro-Dean of Research, Graduate Studies and Innovation (UFF).
Received: 23/08/2013
Revised: 29/08/2013
Approved: 30/08/2013