Terminological subsets of the International Classification for Nursing Practice - ICNP® for senior patients: a methodological study


Ana Claudia Torres de Medeiros1, Maria Miriam Lima da Nóbrega1
1Paraíba Federal University


Aims: To set out terms to be used in diagnosis/outcomes statements as well as in nursing interventions directed to senior patients; to formulate terminological subsets of the INCP® for the elderly in the municipality of João Pessoa – PB. This study is based on the Life Model theory.
Method: The study process involves the following four stages: identification of the patient; collection of relevant terms and concepts with regard to the senior patient; formulation of terminological subsets of the INCP® for the elderly; proposal for a terminological subset of the INCP® for the elderly.
Results: The analysis has shown that all 127 terms used in diagnosis/outcomes statements and 617 nursing interventions contain all the features considered relevant for a good quality of life in old age.
Conclusion: After being duly validated, these new subsets should be a helpful resource for healthcare providers working at Primary Care centers in the municipality of João Pessoa - PB.
Descriptors: Nursing; Terminology; Aged; Nursing diagnosis.

Dissertation Defense Date: 30th September, 2011. PPGENF/UFPB.
Examination Board: Maria Miriam Lima da Nóbrega, Rosalina Aparecida Partezani Rodrigues, Maria das Graças Melo Fernandes.
Reference: Medeiros, ACT. Diagnósticos/resultados e intervenções de enfermagem para idosos: proposta de subconjunto terminológico da CIPE®. João Pessoa. Dissertação [Mestrado em Enfermagem] - Universidade Federal da Paraíba; 2011.



The use of a classification system such as INCP® has become essential to the construction and evolution of in the healthcare field. In consequence, it facilitates and increases the quality of the service provided, especially that related to the areas influenced by the terminological subset of the INCP®.



To set out terms to be used in diagnosis/outcomes statements, as well as in nursing interventions directed to senior patients; to formulate terminological subsets of the INCP® based on the Life Model theory(1) for older patients in the municipality of João Pessoa – PB.


This study is linked to the research projects entitled “Terminological subset of the INCP® for clinical specialties and primary care” and ”Life condition, health and ageing process: a comparative study”. It has received financial support from the National Program of Academic Cooperation (PROCAD). This project has been approved by the IRB of Lauro Wanderley University Hospital – UFPB, under CAAE protocol no. 0127.0.000.126-11.

The methodological study has been developed in four stages: first - identification of the patients involved. They must be over 60 years of age and live in João Pessoa – PB. The two-stage probability sampling method has included 240 people in total; second – the collection of relevant terms and concepts with regard to senior patients, which include those which are considered clinically and culturally relevant for use in diagnosis/outcomes statements as well as in nursing interventions; third – the formulation of terminological subsets of the INCP® for the elderly, based on the guidelines set by the International Council of Nurses (ICN)(2), ISO 18.104:2003(3), as well as on the data based on diagnosis/outcomes statements and nursing interventions, according to the Life Model theory(1); fourth - proposal for terminological subsets of the INCP® for elderly people. This has tried to emphasize the importance of this subset for the healthcare field. In addition, it has taken into consideration the aforementioned theoretical model and its relationship to diagnosis/outcomes statements and nursing interventions.



127 terms used in diagnosis/outcomes statements and 617 ones used in nursing interventions have been included in the study. These terms point to factors considered to be the most relevant in the lives of elderly people, and have been classified according to their area of influence. Following the Life Model(1) theory, they have been placed within five groups: biological, psychological, socio-cultural, environmental and politico-economic. The biological terms include the following life activities: “breathing”; “eating”; “excreting”; “performing personal hygiene and getting dressed”; “mobility”; “expressing sexuality”; and “sleeping”. These activities are involved in the construction of 69 diagnosis/outcomes and 357 nursing intervention statements. The psychological group covers the concepts of “communication” and “death”, and involves the formulation of 19 diagnosis/outcomes and 95 intervention statements. The life activities related to socio-cultural factors include: “maintaining a safe environment”, “working and making time for leisure”, “mobility” and “communication”. These factors are involved in the construction of 31 diagnosis/outcomes and 136 nursing interventions statements. The environmental group includes “maintaining a safe environment”, which generated five diagnosis/outcomes and 18 interventions. The politico-economic group includes “working and making time for leisure”, which generated three diagnosis/outcomes and 11 nursing intervention statements. The proposal for this subset has taken into consideration some essential points including their significance for the healthcare field; the Life Model(1) theory, which involves the concepts of life activities, life cycle, dependence/independence and the influence of diagnosis/outcomes and nursing intervention statements.

The terminological subsets of the INCP® for older people should give support to healthcare providers working in healthcare centers or private homes.



This study has formulated a number of diagnosis/outcomes and nursing intervention statements that cover all areas considered relevant for the quality of life of the elderly. After being duly validated, these new subsets should be a helpful resource for Primary Care providers in the municipality of João Pessoa - PB.



1. Roper N, Logan W, Tierney A. The Roper, Logan, Tierney Model of Nursing based on activities of living. London: Churchill Livingstone; 2000.

2. Conselho Internacional de Enfermeiros. CIPE Versão 1: Classificação Internacional para a Prática de Enfermagem. São Paulo: Algol; 2007.

3. International Organization for Standardization –. Health Informatics integration of a reference terminology model for nursing: ISO 18104. Genebra: ISO; 2003.



Received: 22/07/2013
Revised: 05/08/2013
Approved: 10/08/2013



Researcher’s Mentor: Maria Miriam Lima da Nóbrega. Professor at the Mental and Public Health Nursing Department. Professor at the Nursing Master’s Program at Paraíba Federal University (PPGENF/UFPB), João Pessoa, Brazil.  CNPq Researcher.
Address: Rua Cel. José Cesarino da Nóbrega, 103/402, Bancários, João Pessoa-PB, 58051-130. E-mail:
Ana Claudia Torres de Medeiros - has participated in all stages of this study.
Maria Miriam Lima da Nóbrega - undertook the final revision.