Prevention of sexually transmitted disease in the Health Care in Schools Program: evaluative study
Adna de Araújo Silva1, Patrícia Neyva da Costa Pinheiro2
1,2 Ceara Federal University
Aims: This is a master degree dissertation project of Post-Graduation Program in Nursing of Ceara Federal University, and has as an aim to evaluate the work of nurses in relation to the prevention of STD/AIDS with adolescents in the Health Care in Schools Program.
Method: An evaluative research that started in May 2013, with a quality approach. The subjects of the study will be nurses who work for the Health Care in Schools Program in Fortaleza, state of Ceara. For the data gathering, a semi-structured interview and the checklist that supports the interview will be used. For the organization and analysis of the data, the Method of Senses Interpretation will be taken as reference and the descriptive statistics analysis will use the Excel software. This research project was sent to the Ethics in Research Committee of Ceara Federal University and approved under nr 209.337 on 02/28/2013.
Descriptors: Nursing; Sexually Transmitted Disease; School Health; Evaluation.
The sexually transmitted disease (STD), the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) are significant public health care issues in Brazil and in the world. Any sexually-active person can acquire STD/HIV/AIDS. However, adolescents are considered quite vulnerable subjects, proved by the fact that since the beginning of AIDS epidemic, the incidence rate of cases in young adults – 15 to 24 years-old – has progressively grown in Brazil, reaching its maximum level between the years of 1993 and 1995 and has been stabilized after 1996.
Around 66.698 cases were identified in this age until June 2011, what corresponds to 12.7 % of the total cases(1).
Considering this issue and this specific population, the Health Care Ministry, together with Education Ministry, launched in 2003 the Health Care and Prevention in Schools Program (SPE), having as the main objective the promotion of sexual and reproductive health, to reduce the adolescents’ and young adults’ vulnerability to STD, to the infection with HIV, AIDS and to non-planned pregnancy.
Nowadays, the SPE is included in the Health Care in Schools Program (PSE) that has as the main objective to offer a range of actions for prevention, promotion and attention to health care of children, adolescents and young adults in the public basic education(2).
Nursing has a fundamental role in the promotion of sexual and reproductive health care for adolescents. Therefore, it is necessary to elaborate and implement strategies in this field and for this group the earliest as possible, being convenient to reach the adolescent that has already initiated his or her sexual and/or reproductive life, but also those who have not yet, stimulating the adoption of safe behaviors, preparing them, this way, for the beginning of a healthy sexual and reproductive life(3).
It is vital that the nurse uses the privileged space provided by the PSE to take actions which aim the prevention of STD/AIDS with adolescents, especially through health education actions.
What are the actions taken by the nurses for the prevention of STD/AIDS with adolescents in the PSE context?
To evaluate the work of nurses in the prevention of STD/AIDS with adolescents in the PSE; to identify the actions taken by nurses in the prevention of STD/AIDS with adolescents in the PSE; to analyze the problems for the effectiveness of the actions taken by nurses in the prevention of STD/AIDS with adolescents in the PSE.
It will include an evaluative research, with quality approach. The data gathering will be accomplished from May to December 2013, in the city of Fortaleza, state of Ceara. The population of this research will include all the 105 nurses who work in the ESF and are related to the PSE. The sample will be defined by the following criteria: to be a public worker, to be related to only one school for the PSE activities; to work for the ESF of a Basic Health Care Unit and develop the PSE activities with the school for at least one year. For the data gathering, a semi structured interview will be adopted, and will be based on two questions: What activities do you take for the prevention of STD/AIDS with adolescents in the PSE? What are the difficulties faced for the accomplishment of this kind of action?
Furthermore, to support the interview, a checklist will be applied including a list of twenty-five closed questions, to be filled with YES or NO. This checklist is about the action that should be taken in this area, according to the Health Care Ministry instructions for the PSE – Step by Step Manual for Health Care in Schools Program. Therefore, the participants will answer questions such as: Was there any development of the activities which used participative methodologies, such as thematic workshops, debate videos or games? Were there procedures for students’ education in themes like sexuality and health care promotion? At last, for the data organization and analysis the Method of Senses Interpretation will be used and the descriptive statistics analysis will be through Excel software.
1. Ministério da Saúde (BR). Secretaria de Vigilância em Saúde. Departamento de DST, Aids e Hepatites Virais. Boletim Epidemiológico AIDS e DST, Ano VIII, n. 1. Brasília: Ministério da Saúde, 2012.
2. Ministério da Saúde (BR). Secretaria de Atenção à Saúde. Departamento de Atenção Básica. Saúde na Escola. Brasília: Ministério da Saúde, 2009.
3. Borges A, Fujimori E. Associated aspects to the age at sexual initiation among adolescents from Sao Paulo city: a quantitative study. Online Braz J Nurs [ Internet #93. 2008 [ cited 2013 Jun 29 #93; 7(3). Available from:
We hereby declare that Adna de Araujo Silva and Patricia Neyva da Costa Pinheiro have participated integrally in the research construction.
This is a master degree dissertation project of Post-Graduation Program in Nursing of Ceara Federal University approved by the Ethics in Research Committee of Ceara Federal University under nr. 209.337 on 02/28/2013 and CAAE 11090513.7.0000.5054.
Orientation: Patricia Neyva da Costa Pinheiro.
Financial Support: none
Email address:
Received: 29/06/2013
Revised: 16/09/2013
Approved: 20/09/2013