Reflections about the tutor in a university hospital: a case study


Rosa Maria Conde Vieira do Carmo¹, Lucia Cardoso Mourão², Cláudia Mara de Melo Tavares³

1,2,3 Federal Fluminense University


Originated from the dissertation of the Professional Master in Education in Health of the Federal Fluminense University, this study aims to analyze the professional practice of the tutors from the infectology sector in terms of graduate students in a University Hospital (HU). Its specific aims are to describe the profile of tutors and the practices of teaching-service integration that have developed in the infectology sector of HU. This is a descriptive study with a qualitative approach, where we will undertake semi-structured interviews with tutors, teachers and students who are engaged in this sector.  These will be undertaken in an HU in the metropolitan region in the state of Rio de Janeiro. We will analyze the data collected in the light of the concepts related to French Institutional Analysis. The ethical aspects will be respected in accordance with resolution 196/96 of the National Health Council (CSN).
Keywords: preceptorship, preceptorship and mentors.



The tutor role as an educator with regard to health practices in university hospitals has been increasingly discussed. This individual participates in the teaching-learning process related to the practice areas, receives and leads the student with regard to the experience. However, he may not have been adequately prepared for the pedagogical actions(1). Given the difficulties associated with the practices of health professionals from a University Hospital (HU) with regard to participating actively in the teaching of graduate students of many courses in the area of health, we propose in this study to reflect on their health training role. The HU selected is part of the health network of an important metropolitan region in the state of Rio de Janeiro. It is part of the National Restructuring Program of Federal University Hospitals (REHUF)(2). The aim of this network is to strengthen the specific aims in education, as a scenario for curricular training, as part of the continuing education of public servants and the resulting increase in the quality of complex care in terms of its users. As an adjunct to the teaching-learning process, we understand that is necessary to reflect on the dimensions of professional practice as a contribution to pedagogical training.



What attributes are important for the tutorship in health in HUs? What does the concept of tutorship mean to the teachers, students and health professionals in the infectology sector at HU? How does HU promote the integration of teaching in conjunction with the social actors related to the process of tutorship at HU, for the quality of care provided to the patients of the Unified Health System (SUS)?



To analyze the professional practice of tutors within the infectology sector in meeting with graduate student in a university hospital; to describe the profile of health professionals who work in the infectology sector at HU, and to determine the practices associated with the teaching-service integration developed by tutors within the infectology sector at HU.



This study is a qualitative and descriptive piece of research which adopts a case study design which reflects on the social reality in which tutors are placed in the context of education. We will study how the phenomena occur in the lives of the research subjects in the social context of their work, here understood as moments of interaction between tutors, teachers and graduate students in nursing and medicine.
Initially, we will consider the available literature on this topic in the BVS databases for the last six years.  We will then interview the subjects who work in the infectology sector at HU, where the researcher performs her professional activities.
With regard to data collection, we will use a semi-structured interview.  This will be applied individually to tutors, teachers and nursing and medical graduate students in this sector. The participant observation, recorded in a research diary, will address all aspects that the researcher deems relevant during the period of data collection. The findings of this study will be analyzed according to institutional protocol and a set of implications associated with French Institutional Analysis as part of a socio-analytical perspective recommended by René Lourau and Georges Lapassade. For these authors, the analysis of daily social practices within the micropolitical arena, has the power of emancipation of the subjects in the exercise of their functions.(3) This study aims to contribute to the elaboration of guidelines necessary to qualify the tutor to play an integrative role between the practical and the theoretical learning of graduate students in the area of health studies. The research project was submitted to the Ethics Committee in Research to comply with the precepts of Resolution No. 196/96 of the CNS.



1. Botti SHO, Rego S. Preceptor, supervisor, tutor e mentor: quais são seus papéis? Rev bras educ méd [ serial in the internet ]. 2008 [ cited 2011 Nov 19 ]  32 (3): p.363-73. Available from:

2. Ministério da Educação e Cultura (BR). Decreto nº 7.082, de 27 de jan de 2010. Institui o Programa Nacional de Reestruturação dos Hospitais Universitários Federais [ ordinance in the internet ]. Diário Oficial da União 27 jan 2010 [ cited 2012 june 25 ]. Available from:

3. Mourão L, L'Abbate S. Implicações docentes nas transformações curriculares da área da saúde: Uma análise sócio-histórica. Online braz j nurs [ serial in the Internet ]. 2011 [ Cited 2012 June 26 ] 10(3). Available from:



Project data:
Dissertation of Professional Masters Program in Education in Health, UFF. Presented to the Research Ethics Committee of the UFF under CAAE number: 03428912.0.0000.5243. Guidance: Lucia Cardoso Mourão. Co-adviser: Cláudia Mara de Melo Tavares. Mailing address:


Received: 22/08/2012
Approved: 11/09/2012