Mauro Leonardo Salvador Caldeira dos Santos1

1 Federal Fluminense University



It's very interesting to read some of the fragments of the report The Future of Nursing: Leading Change, Advancing Health at the Institute of Medicine (IOM) which deals with the discussion of the more efficient and effective place of nursing in the system of health care in the U.S. years of change in the health system(1).

Some surveys conducted by this Institute indicate that a small number of nurses is part of Councils and Committees for Health Administration in many hospitals.

One of the proposals under discussion points out that nurses can fill new roles, expanding them and thus redesigning the health care system, with doctors and other health professionals(2). The nurses, however, must take the lead of the tasks and primary care and prevention should guide the health system.

According to the report that such a change would attend millions with access to health, although this new perspective requires a reassessment of the following: nursing practice, advancements in nursing education at all levels, improvement of nursing practice on the continued health care; change in the use of nurses, through the creation of new jobs, and leadership at all levels, effectively and appropriately developing new relationships with partners of the health team(2).

The report recommends four general actions(3):

The nurse should explore the full extent of his education and training.

Nurses should achieve higher levels of education and training through an improved education system that promotes continuous academic progression.

Nurses must be partners, in full right, of doctors and other health professionals in health care reform in the United States.

The reorganization of the system of data collection and information infrastructure so that you may plan the effective use of workforce and furthering policies best suited to the new situation.

The IOM recognizes the unique role that nurses play in health care. Due to the fact that nurses have regular proximity to patients and the scientific understanding of the processes of assistance across the continuum of care, they have unique ability to act as partners with other health professionals, leading to improvement and reorganization of the health system and their environments, including, hospitals, schools, houses, etc.

In the next editorial we will call into question the recommended goals of the report the light of Brazilian reality.









Received: 24/04/2012

Approved: 24/04/2012