Analysis of training in the health area: a map of curricular changes in education

Ana Maria Pereira Brasílio de Araújo1, Ana Lúcia Abrahão1

1Fluminense Federal University


Objective: To build a map of teaching work, starting from the changes produced with the insertion of new pedagogical paradigms in health education. The publication of Ordinance No. 2530/2005, of the Ministry of Health, ratifies the policy for encouraging the curricular changes of the health care undergraduate courses. However, the effects of the process of curriculum changes in the undergraduate nursing course go beyond the curricula as they undermine teachers' ways of being, feeling and acting. Method: Drawing a training map with the assistance of research instruments, namely a research diary and implication analysis. The estimated time for completion of this study is 24 months. Results: The results will be analyzed based on the Institutional Analysis. The ethical aspects shall be respected according to Resolution 196/96.
Keywords: Nursing, Teaching, Schools.



The publication of Ordinance No. 2530, in December 2005, by the Ministry of Health, ratifies the policy for encouraging the curricular changes of the health care undergraduate courses. This measure inserts the Nursing undergraduate course of the Serra dos Órgãos University Center (UNIFESO, in Portuguese) in the curriculum changes movement, operated through the National Reorientation Programme of Vocational Training in Health (Pro-Health).
Pro-Health is an inter-ministerial program, of the Ministries of Health and Education, which aims to redirect the training process and thereby empowering professionals to meet the health needs of the Brazilian population.
Curricular changes, which are effects of the various needs for overcoming the historical mismatches between education and health care, gain visibility from Pro-health, but are not initiated by or intend to end up within it. Since the 1950s in Latin America, a movement of curricular reform of the health professionals has been underway, in an attempt to overcome the problems faced in everyday services and to offer a better service to the health needs of the population(1).
In this context, since the late 1990s, the Nursing Course of UNIFESO reflects on the need for curricular changes. However, only in the first half 2007 were curricular changes carried out, in a process that has become permanently consolidated.
In this proposal it is worth emphasizing the replacement of discipline-based curriculum frameworks with an integrated model between tutorial modules and professional practice that aims to activate knowledge through different stimuli. The pedagogy of transmission has been replaced with a process of teaching-learning which, mediated by active methods, is centred on students who have also begun to enter into the working world since commencing the course.
The proposal made by the course involves training that is committed to the process of learning how to learn, where knowledge is not just a process of memorization or knowledge transfer from one subject to another, but results from the elaboration of previous knowledge and incorporations throughout training.
Therefore, the act of graduating, as a movement of the process of knowledge construction, is analyzed. In this case, a number of factors are incorporated since the teacher, who  intends to provide knowledge, is at the same time summoned to learn.
In experiencing the summons of the changes, some questions arose with regards to the formation of this research project and have become guidelines for this course, as follows: How can a student graduate and achieve his quest for knowledge if he considers his teacher a safe haven? What does it mean to be in a place where I not only educate, but am also educated? How are we affected by the changes, or get “deterritorialized” leaving the centre of a scene, in a place where it is our duty to train students and train people?
In this sense, analyzing the process of change beyond curricular standards, since it affects everyone involved in the process of training, we should understand that this movement not only transforms curricula, but also affects our ways of being, feeling and acting as teachers. This is not only a curricular change; it is also existential.
This research is linked to the Academic Master Program in Health Care Sciences of the School of Nursing at the Fluminense Federal University, which is related to the line of research on collective care in nursing and health care in their educational processes and management and is joined to the Center of Studies and Research in Work Management and Health Work (NUPGES/CNPq).
The objective of this study is to build a map of teaching work starting from the changes produced with the insertion of new pedagogical paradigms in health education. The time to complete this survey is 24 months, with completion scheduled for December 2012.



The method that will assist the progress of this project will be mapping. Deleuze and Guattari(2), by highlighting some approximate characteristics of the rhizome, feature cartography as an open map, connectable in all its dimensions, separable and subject to changes. In contrast to what they call a decal, reproducing given images, the movements that define the outlines of this map are also defined by those who inhabit it.
The proposal for outlining a training map, considering it as a rhizomatic territory, is to cover and let it be covered by the movements of this territory, mapping the changes in education.
This research aims to reproduce extracts of training from some chosen theoretical frameworks. To these extracts we may add up the experiences lived in this area, which, far from being trustworthy to the movements that had happened, start from the ethical, political and libidinal implication of the researcher.
Some research tools will assist in the construction of this path, namely: a research diary and the analysis of implication(3). The diary allows the input of the analysis of implication of the researcher, that is, the analysis of the positions we occupy in the world, enabling us to discuss health training from within and thereby covering the different and multiple territories that occur in learning to learn.
The diary which can be understood as "within the text" and not "outside the text" is not designed from the ethnographic research perspective, but from the institutional analysis perspective. A reflexive movement of the researcher does not refer strictly to research, but to the process of searching. Included are the unheard whispers and the lenses that capture the sequence of scenes that affect us and which leave marks or records on the daily body of the researcher. The diary and the analysis of implication will work as devices to sustain a field of inquiry, making it explicit the movements of the training territory.
This research intends to analyze nursing education associated with curriculum changes, taking as a research field the nursing program of UNIFESO, where I work as a teacher. This has been approved by the Ethics Committee in Research of the School of Medicine/University Hospital Antonio Pedro (09/02/2011, Opinion No. 0244.0.258.258-11) and UNIFESO (11/10/2011, Opinion No. 692-11).



1. Mourão LC, L'Abbate S. Implicações docentes nas transformações curriculares da área da saúde: Uma análise sócio-histórica. Online braz j nurs [ serial in the internet ]. 2011 [ cited 2012 Feb 23 ] 10(3). Available from:

2. Deleuze G, Guattari F. Mil Platôs: capitalismo e esquizofrenia. Rio de Janeiro: 34;  1996. v.1.

3. Lourau R. René Lourau na UERJ -1993 - Análise institucional e práticas de pesquisa. Rio de Janeiro: UERJ; 1993.



Project Data: Dissertation project of the Program of Academic Master in Sciences for Health Care of the School of Nursing, Aurora de Afonso Costa at Fluminense Federal University. It was approved on 11/10/2011 by the board comprising of: Prof. Dr. Ana Lucia Abrahão, Prof. Dr. Paula Cerqueira and Prof. Dr. Mauro Leonardo Caldeira dos Santos. Approval by the Ethics Committee in Research of the School of Medicine/University Hospital Antonio Pedro was on 09/02/2011 under Opinion No. 0244.0.258.258-11. Approval by the Ethics Committee in Research of UNIFESO was on 11/10/2011 under Opinion No. 692-11.
Financial Support to the Research: Coordination for Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (CAPES).

Received: 27/03/2012
Approved: 03/09/2012