Nursing care to psychiatric patients in general emergency: sociopoetic inspiration



Andrea Damiana da Silva Elias1; Cláudia Mara de Melo Tavares2; Elaine Antunes Cortez3

1,2,3  Fluminense Federal University.


This is a dissertation project of Professional Master in Nursing Care, Fluminense Federal University, whose general objective is to identify the approach provided by the general emergency nurses to psychiatric patients. However the specific objectives are to identify the factors that influence the approach given by the nurse to psychiatric patients and discuss the role of the nurse in general emergency, based on the concepts of the Psychiatric Reform. It is a field exploratory study with a qualitative approach and Socio-poetic inspiration to be held in a general emergency hospital in the municipality of Rio de Janeiro. The subjects are the nurses who work in this unit, and the ethical aspects will be maintained in accordance with the resolution 196/96.
Keywords: Emergency Nursing, Mentally Ill Persons, Psychiatric Nursing.



Over the years the assistance to insanity was characterized by institutionalization and isolation of the person suffering from psychological distress. The social institution responsible for the treatment of the insane is responsible for its own mortification of the self "as it promotes downgrades, degradation, humiliation and desecration of the self. They are the total institutions(1). In the twentieth century, we have the Psychiatric Reform, marked by the notion of deinstitutionalization, by inventing new ways to deal with the madness, knowing that it can transcend the pre-established models and moving toward the people, the communities(2).

Thus, the subject who was segregated before has been gradually inserted in the social, even attending other areas of health care, such as the emergencies in general hospitals. Emergence is the gateway of serious conditions, requiring immediate professional attitude, which requires specific knowledge. The nurse working in emergency needs to know what to do regarding a patient with chest pain, as well as what to do with a major trauma or exogenous intoxication, but what if the expression of the chest pain comes in a delusional way or has no acceptance of the trauma protocol? And what if the patient is not cooperative? The nursing care is linked to the perspective of "time" factor, in that professionals should act with extreme agility and mastery of technical procedures due to the immediacy of results imposed by situations that are urgent and immediate as well as the excessive number of attendances per day. However, in this scenario that is often a "chaos", the communication should represent an essential element in interpersonal nurse-client relations(3).



Which approach is provided by general emergency hospital nurses to psychiatric patients? How is the care for patients with psychological distress in the general emergency? What is the emotional preparation of nurses active in emergency to deal with the bearer of psychological distress?



Identify the approach provided by the general emergency hospital nurses to psychiatric patients, identify the factors that influence the approach given by the nurse to psychiatric patients and discuss the role of the nurse in general emergency, based on the concepts of the Psychiatric Reform.



The study assumes that general emergency nurses distinguish the care to psychiatric patients and that the social imaginary of madness influences the care provided to this patient.



This is an exploratory field survey, of qualitative character and Socio-poetic inspiration, whose scenario is the emergence of a general hospital in the municipality of Rio de Janeiro. The subjects will be nurses assigned to this emergency. As a technical approach, structured interviews with open questions were conducted, preceded by validation of the instrument, and non-participant observation, from an observational script. Data will be analyzed based on thematic analysis of the discourse. The research project was submitted to the Ethics Committee in Research in order to fulfill the precepts of Resolution No. 196/96, approved according to the protocol 0268.0.314.000-11.



1. Goffman E. Manicômios, Prisões e Conventos. 7ª ed. São Paulo: Perspectiva; 2005.

2. Amarante P. Loucos pela Vida: A trajetória da Reforma Psiquiátrica no Brasil. 2ª ed. Rio de Janeiro: Editora Fiocruz; 1995.

3. Oliveira TR, Simões SMF. The communication as base of interpersonal relationship nurse-patient in the care in unit of ready attendance- preview note. Online Braz J Nurs [ periódic online ]. 2010 [ cited 2010 may 12 ] 9(1). Available from:


Project Data:
Dissertation project of the Masters of Professional Nursing Care of UFF. Approved by the Ethics Committee in Research of UFF, under No. CAAE: 0268.0.314.000-11. Advisor: Cláudia Mara de Melo Tavares. Co-Advisor: Elaine Antunes Cortez
Financial Support for Research: Conselho Regional de Enfermagem COREN/RJ. Mailing address:
