Custody psychiatric hospital: interference in health nursing worker - descriptive study
Fernanda Souza Santos1, Geilsa Soraia Cavalcanti Valente2
1,2 Fluminense Federal University
This study addresses issues related to nursing in occupational health, in relation to the work process in a Custody Hospital and Psychiatric Treatment, with forms of care/caring in the prison, setting dangerous situations. Thus, the research problem addresses questions of the work process in CHPT and the interferences on the health of nursing professionals. Qualitative research, descriptive, as scene a hospital located in the city of Niterói/RJ and as subjects the components of the nursing team. Will be used for data collection an instrument of socio-cultural development and semi-structured interview. Will be used content analysis for themes based on Bardin, in light of Dejours work on psychopathology.
Keywords: Nursing, Team; Occupational Health; Psychiatric Nursing; Prisons.
This study addresses issues related to Occupational health nursing in relation to the work process in a Custody Hospital and Psychiatric Treatment, with forms of care/caring in the prison, setting up situations of danger.Thus, the research problem addresses the question of the work process in CHPT and interference in the health of nursing professionals. Descriptive qualitative research as scene the Hospital of Custody and Psychiatric Treatment, located in the city of Niterói / RJ, and as subject to the nursing staff. To collect the data will be use an instrument of socio-cultural characterization of the subjects and semi-structured interview. Will be used thematic content analysis by Bardin to the survey of analytical categories, which will be based to light of psychopathology from the work of Dejours, contextualizing the work process in CHPT with the James Gleick's Chaos Theory and the complexity of the Penal System by Edgar Morin. The Custody Hospital and Psychiatric Treatment - (CHPT) is a hospital prison, a penal institution which aims to ensure the custody and treatment of the psychotic offender, who committed a crime due to mental disorder(1). The CHPT brings on the essence, its ambivalent and ambiguous feature, since it combines features of hospital and prison. It is in this hybrid environment, clientele so specific that we find the nursing professional, trying to understand their role, knowing your ethical responsibility, and that brings with it moral stigma from a culture of creation, and this contributed to the genesis of feelings such as discrimination, rejection and fear, providing often conflicting situations, between the care administered to these patients and the depths of who manages(2). The aim is, therefore, to expose the environmental factors when exploring the many everyday situations in which the nursing staff of CHPTs, face and which may directly or indirectly impact on their health. Each hospital has characteristics of both into your routine and work organization, as in the workplace. What probably differentiates this sense, is the intensity of stress produced in these different sectors and their recurrence(³). Workers' health is a field that aims at understanding the health-disease process of human groups in their relation to work and, from there, develops alternatives leading the transformation toward ownership by employees of the human dimension of work. Thus, questioning the relationship between work-health place at the center of the analysis the social character of the health-disease process and the need to serve it in their relationship with the production process.
How does the process work in CHPT can interfere with the health of nursing professionals?
To describe the work process in CHPT; identify vulnerability factors in the workplace; Raise the strategies used by nursing staff in minimizing the damage to their health.
Qualitative descriptive research using as data collection techniques semi-structured interview. The research scenario is the Custody Hospital and Psychiatric Treatment, located in the city of Niterói / RJ, and subject to the professionals who make up the nursing staff. To collect the data will be used an instrument of socio-cultural characterization of the subjects and semi-structured interview. Will be used thematic content analysis by Bardin to the survey of analytical categories. The project was approved by the Ethics Committee of the Faculty of Medicine, Fluminense Federal University, meeting the requirements established by Resolution No. 196/96.
1. Carrara SL. O crime e loucura: o aparecimento do manicômio judiciário na passagem do século. Rio de Janeiro (RJ): EdUERJ; 1998.
2. Santos MLSC, Souza FS, Santos CVSC. As Marcas da Dupla Exclusão: experiências da enfermagem com o psicótico infrator. Texto & Contexto Enferm. 2006; 15 (nº esp.): 79-87.
3. Rocha MCP, Martino MMF, Ferreira LRC. Stress of nurses working in different departments of the hospital: a descriptive study. Online Braz J of Nurs [ periodic online ]. 2009 [ cited 2011 Jul 30 ] 8(1). Available from:
Project Information: Professional Masters in Nursing care Program Project Dissertation, UFF.
Approved by the Ethics Committee in Research of the UFF, under No. CAAE :0039.0.258.000-11.
Advisor: Prof. Dr. Geilsa Soraia Cavalcanti Valente.
Financial Support for Research: Regional Council of Nursing - RJ.
Address for correspondence: Fernanda Souza Santos
Dr Pio Borges Street n ° 2822, Pita-São Gonçalo.