Ingrid Ramos Reis1, Marilda Andrade2, Fabiana Barbosa Assumpção3

1,2,3 Afonso de Aurora Costa Nursing School


Abstract: This is an exploratory descriptive study with quantitative approach, with the following objectives: - Analysis the influence of tuberculosis in hospital in the perception of the nursing team facing the risk of infection in a college hospital in Rio de Janeiro; Description of frequency of pulmonary tuberculosis among nursing professionals; Identification of mechanisms of tuberculosis control in biosecurity, which exists in a college hospital in Niterói-RJ-Brazil. The ethical aspects are respected, according to resolution 196/96.

Keywords: pulmonary tuberculosis, health personnel, epidemiology, nursing




Problem Situation and its significance: The risk of hospital infection by the Micobacterium tuberculosis can increase according to the aspect related to the delay of diagnosis of tuberculosis and inadequate decisions referring in deciding the beginning and the end of accommodation of patients in private rooms, facilitating the risk of tuberculosis infection among health professionals.(1)

The lack of communication and prepare while dealing the classic symptoms of the disease to start the process of proper, specific care develops a possible situation of infection, especially by the unprotected and prolonged exposition, which happen when protective measures are not adopted as an early proceeding.(2)

General Objective – To analyze the influence of tuberculosis in hospital environment through the views of the nursing team leading the risks of infection in a College hospital in Rio de Janeiro. Specific: - To raise the occurrence of lung tuberculosis among the health professionals of nursing; to identify the mechanisms of control of tuberculosis based on the principles of biosecurity used in a unit of a College hospital in the municipality of Niteroi (State of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil).

Theoretical-Methodological set: This study is based on a descriptive line, retrospective, using medical records and field survey, which have as theoretical reference the Dejours’ presets. 81 professionals constituted the sample.

It will be used a descriptive and statistical analysis of the data through the Statistical Package for Social Sciences for Windows (SPSS statistical package) version 17.0. This study will follow the rules of Resolution 196/96 of Brazilian National Health Council. The project was approved by the Ethics in Research Committee of Fluminense Federal University, under the protocol number #049/11.  



1- Valle S. & Telles, J. L. (Org.). Bioética – Biorrisco: Abordagem transdisciplinar. Rio de Janeiro:Interciência, 2003.

2- Avelar MCQ, Paula TAC, Shimizu MI, Neves MA, Petrizzo CE. The nursing team’s knowledge of care for patients suspected of having or diagnosed with pulmonary tuberculosis – an exploratory study. Online Braz J Nurs [serial on the Internet]. 2006, 5(2), Retrieved 2010-06-12, from:http://www.objnursing.uff.br/index.php/nursing/article/view/292/58

Project information:

Dissertation project of the Professional Masters in Assistance Nursing – UFF.

Approved in the Ethics in Research Committee of the Fluminense Federal University, under the protocol number #CAAE:0052.0.258.000-11

Tutor: Marilda Andrade.

Address for mailing: Ingrid Ramos Reis Couto. Rua: Retiro dos   Artistas, nº 1931, APT: 604/BL. 07- Jacarepaguá- RJ- CEP: 22770-104. Endereço eletrônico: ingridramosr.couto@yahoo.com.br