Denize Duarte Celento 1, Cláudia Mara de Melo Tavares 2

1,2 Academic Master of Science in Health Care/Universidade Federal Fluminense - UFF



It is a dissertation project of Academic Master of Science in Health Care at Fluminense Federal University, whose objective is to evaluate from the learning experience of the nursing and medical students of a private institution in the country area of Rio de Janeiro, the limits and possibilities of instruction of health system management and its suitability to public policy. It is a qualitative study of descriptive and field-exploratory nature, to be held with 24 students from undergraduate courses in nursing and medicine. Data collection occurs through an interview in a focal group that will be treated based on the technique of discourse analysis. The ethical aspects have been respected in accordance with Resolution 196/96.

Descriptors: Nursing Education, Medical Education, Health Service Administration



The proposals presented in the Resolutions of the National Council of Education in 2001, for nursing and medicine courses, establish the formation of these professionals endowed with required knowledge in care practices and UHS management (1).

The training of human resources for the sector is one of the serious problems of UHS. This concern is expressed in the current National Curriculum Guidelines1 for health courses, which advocate the principles of the UHS as a professional training guideline. Training should not take as a reference only the efficient search for evidences of diagnosis, care and treatment. It should also develop conditions of attendance for the health needs of populations, of the macro and micro sector management, also encompassing aspects of production of subjectivity, technical skills and of thinking and the proper knowledge of the Unified Health System (UHS)(2).

The Manual of Management Instruments of the Ministry of Health describes as health management tools, the mechanisms that ensure the functioning of the Unified System (UHS) at all levels. The management activity entails coordinating, articulating, negotiating, planning, monitoring, controlling, evaluating and auditing the health system at the municipal, state and national levels.


Objectives: It was set as the aim of this study to evaluate from the learning experience of nursing and medical students, the limits and possibilities of teaching the management of the health system and its suitability for public policy. And as specific objectives: describe the experiences of nursing and medical students with the management education of the health system, and evaluate the educational development of the health system management at the nursing and medicine courses.

Guiding questions: What is the evaluation of nursing and medical students on the teaching of health system management? The curricular elements referred to in the health system management in the teaching of nursing and medicine, generate an understanding of the theme, interfering with the value attributed by students in their professional training?



Qualitative research of a descriptive nature and Field exploratory, appropriate to the deepening of the complexity of private and specific phenomena, facts and processes of groups, somewhat delimited in extension and capable of being covered intensively. Referenced in the perspective of institutional analysis of Gregory Baremblitt(3). The study will be conducted in the private university in the country area of Rio de Janeiro. The research subjects will be 24 students from a group of 877 students who were enrolled in management subjects throughout the course, Being 12 students of the nursing course and 12 students of medical school. Considering the recommendations, the focus group should be comprised between 08 and 12 subjects. As a criterion for participation in the study the individuals should have studied management disciplines throughout the course and wish to voluntarily participate in the research. If there is a number greater than 12 volunteer students per course, new groups will be made. For data collection, an interview will be adopted in the focus group, considering that the technique allows, through a discussion forum, the construction of a collective knowledge of the group. Data collection will take place during the period of 02 months in the first semester of 2011. This study was approved by the Research Ethics Committee of Severino Sombra University, under No. 0059/2010-01.



1. Brasil. Conselho Nacional de Educação. Câmara de Educação Superior. Resolução 3/2001 e 4/2001. Diário Oficial da República Federativa do Brasil, Brasília, 2001 Nov 9.1:37-8.

2. Fenili R, Terra M, Spricigo J, Gonçalves L. Reflection and interaction: a new perspective to the teaching of nursing by means of living learning. Online Brazilian Journal of Nursing. 2007. 6(2). Disponível em URL:

3. Mourão L, Martins R, Vieira C, Rossin E, L’Abbate S. Análise institucional e educação: reforma curricular nas universidades pública e privada. Educ.Soc. 2007 jan/abr; 28(98):181-210.

Project data: project of Masters Dissertation of the Post-graduation Program in Nursing of the School of Nursing Aurora Afonso Costa, Universidade Federal Fluminense. Approved by the Ethics Committee in Research of Severino Sombra University, in 05/27/2010, under no 0059/2010-01. Approved in 11/26/2010 by the board composed of: Prof. Dr. Cláudia Mara de Melo Tavares (Advisor - President of the Board); Prof. Dr. Iraci dos Santos (1st member); Prof. Dr. Lúcia Cardoso Mourão (2nd member).

Mailing address: Denize Duarte Celento: Rua Décio de Souza Caravana, 408 – Tambasco - Vassouras- RJ - CEP:27700-000.