Publishing Your Paper Online:

What they don't teach you in nursing school you will learn with the OBJN

Isabel Cruz, RN, PhD. OBJN Editor

picture by Paulinho Ganaê

As a professional, you may have had to write a monography, a dissertation or a thesis. But that doesn´t mean that you learned how to publish. If you do not publish you will perish as a researcher. If you do not know how to publish online you will be less cited![i]

You learned (or tried to) to do nursing research in your undegraduate or graduate courses. You received a lot of information on what a project and a scientific report should look like when finished, but little information on how to get them published in the Online Brazilian Journal of Nursing or other scientific journals.

The teachers did not include in their nursing research syllabi subjects as writing opportunities or writing style and structure of an article (except Dr. Vitória Secaf!).

For example, your research proposal was approved for a grant, but nobody told you that you could publish it as a “preview note” paper. But what is the order or the size of sections in a preview note? You don´t know! What journal accepts a preview note? You don´t know that either!

Now, your problems are over. The Online Brazilian Journal of Nursing will offer a workshop:

Publishing Your Paper Online!

The course is designed to show you how to complete the task easily. The first course will be held at Fluminense Federal University on April 20th, 2006. Discover the pleasure of publishing online and share your knowledge with health professionals around the world.

For further information on send an email to me:

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Join us and have a successful 2006!


[i] Cruz, ICF da A scientific evidence: the OBJN has more quantitative and qualitative links. Online Brazilian Journal of Nursing (OBJN -ISSN 1676-4285) 3 (2) 2004 [Online]. Available at:


Ogum protects the roads and the internet is a virtual road.
Ogum is also the god of technology.
He used the iron to create the instruments that help people to work for a better life and to build a better world. He is with us since the beginning.
I pray to him to be with us always


imagem: Bianca Earp.