Gestures of care in nursing - interdisciplinary study through images

Bibliografic legend:
BERARDINELLI, LM. Gestos de cuidado em Enfermagem
. Estudo Interdisciplinar através de Imagens. Rio de janeiro, 2003. 321 p. Tese (Doutorado) – Escola de Enfermagem Anna Nery da Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro/ UFRJ.
Maria José Coelho.
RN, PhD. Associate professor, EEAN Nursing School, UFRJ.
Anita Leandro
RN, PhD. Doctor in cinema. Associate professor at NUTES-UFRJ and  University the Michel de Montaigne – Bordeaux 3.

 ABSTRACT. In this study, the gestures1 of care in Nursing were taken as object, giving emphasis to its daily movement and dynamism.  It is an interdisciplinary study, exploratory, with a quantitative approach that from the instrumental point of view, captured information from historical photographic2 registers from   the 20´s and  the 40´s, in a fiction film about the life of Florence Nightingale and audio-visual images of  hospital care taken in an unity of a Public Hospital in Rio de Janeiro. The theoretical reference comes from the Visual Anthropology3, from cinematographic4-5 studies and Brazilian authors that approach the care in Nursing6. The standardization of the audio-visual registers was based on the Ethnomethodology7, particulary on Garfinkel´s contributions. The study was approved of the Committee on Ethical Issues (282-CEP/HUPE/UERJ). The organization and analysis of those images indicate that in general we are not aware of the messages issued by our bodies during daily care that are transformed, according to the clients specific situations and also according to the knowledge and ability of several professionals when facing different situations and necessities. The gestures show the way of being of each professional, expressed through the dressing, the words, the tone of voice and other non-verbal messages; it is also revealed through the physical appearance, the type of behaviour in each situation of care, the professional attitude of the boss in relation to other members of the team and the clientele attended. Having adopted the methodological procedures above mentioned, it became evident that gestures apparently meaningless, acquire another dimension when observed through the video, in an isolated plan or through a zoom. We concluded that the use of audio-visual in the research was very fertile as it allowed the study and the clarification of the professional routine, revealing the richness of details that had not been sufficiently observed by the images in movement. In the same way, it has also contributed to the identification, classification and understanding of the nurses gestures, according to the context and the type of care action, as they take over their territory where other activities take place. We came to the conclusion that the use of audio-visual in Nursing researches may contribute to the production of knowledge in the care field, enlarging the discussion about daily practices between Nursing professionals.

Key words: Image – Eidetict Imagery –- Nursing  – Gestures – Nursing care

Main Bibliografhy

1.BRECHT B. Ecrits sur le théâtre, tome1. Paris: L’Arche, 1972, pp.394-465.

2. DUBOIS P. O ato fotográfico. Campinas:Brasiliense. 2001.

3. FRANCE C. Cinema e antropologia. Campinas: UNICAMP,1988.

4. AUMONT J. A imagem.2ªed. Campinas: Papirus,1995.

5. BALÁZANS B. A face das coisas. In XAVIER I (org.) A experiência do cinema. Rio de Janeiro:Graal, 1991.

6.FIGUEIREDO NMA. O corpo da enfermeira:instrumento de cuidado de enfermagem – um estudo sobre representações de enfermeiras. Tese(Doutorado). Escola de Enfermagem Anna Nery,Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro.1994.

7. GARFINKEL H. Studies in Ethonomethodologie. N. Jersey, Englewood, Clifs: Prentice Hall. 1967