Cognitive capacity, style and quality of life of the elderly: a cross-sectional study


Aim: to verify the cognitive ability, style and quality of life of elderly primary care users. Method: a cross-sectional, correlational, analytical and descriptive study with a quantitative approach. A total of 252 semi-structured questionnaires were applied to the urban elderly, containing sociodemographic information, cognitive ability assessment and questions regarding style and quality of life. Result: there was a predominance of females with low schooling, presence of cognitive decline in 68.25% (n=172) of the elderly and a significant association between the Health Units (p=0,0351). Discussion: it should be pointed out that elderly people who do not present a decline have a better score in the nutrition component, this data emphasizes that maintaining good eating habits positively influences cognitive ability. Conclusion: the interviewees are young elderly with cognitive decline. Emphasis is given to the importance of nurses acting as health promoters, favoring active aging.
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