The female imagery and its invisibility in exclusive breastfeeding: an exploratory study


Aim:  To  understand  the  importance  and  the  difficulties  faced  by women  when  adhering  to  exclusive  breastfeeding.  Method:  This  is  an exploratory  and descriptive study, using a qualitative approach, in which semi-structured interviews were conducted with 14 women. Data treatment occurred by means of the content analysis, in the form of a thematic analysis. Results: Most women revealed knowing the importance and  benefits  of  breastfeeding  for  being  an  important  practice,  since  it  provides  good nourishment   and   aids   the   development   of   the   child.   The   aspects   that   benefit breastfeeding  women  were  made  explicit;  however,  these  were  given  less  focus  when compared to the aspects related to the baby's health. Conclusion: We should point out the  need  to  incorporate  practices  beyond  the  biological  dimension,  to  understand  the characteristics  of  each  woman  and  to  encourage  self-care  as  an  important  issue  for them.
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