Prevention of cervical cancer in pregnant women: a phenomenological study


Problem: pap smear tests during pregnancy are part of pre-natal care routines. However, many pregnant women are not well informed regarding the importance of the exam. Aim: to understand the perception of cervical cancer from the point-of-view of pregnant women. Method: this is a Heideggerean phenomenological study, based on the methodological steps of phenomenological reduction, construction, and destruction. The development of this study followed the ethical standards described in Resolution 196/96. Results: the results show that pregnant women who experience the prevention of cervical cancer try to ignore the word ‘cancer,’ when referring to the possibility of being sick, as seen when they speak and the way they discuss the relationship between themselves and the health professionals. Conclusion: we need to deal with the challenge to recognize the fragility of the biomedical model to take care of the health of women, aiming to achieve more comprehensive care.
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