Analysis of papanicolaou test results not collected by patients, period between 2007 and 2009: documentary study


Aim: To evaluate the population coverage for Papanicolaou tests and to analyze the results not collected by patients at a Family Health Center in Fortaleza, CE - Brazil. Method: Retrospective research conducted via the analysis of exams archived between 2007 and 2009. Results: The population coverage of preventive examinations was below the desired goal, as 1346 examinations were performed per year, corresponding to population coverage of 60%. The presence of Lactobacilli sp. was related to the presence of mild inflammation (p = 0.000). Gardnerella vaginallis was related to the absence of mild inflammation (p = 0.000). The presence of Trichomonas vaginallis had no relation to light (p = 0.041) or moderate inflammation (p = 0.022). In all test results where low-grade intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN I) was found, the HPV was present. Conclusion: The number of women not returning to receive the test results made the monitoring, completeness and continuity of the care difficult.
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