Characterization of the productivity scholar researchers of CNPq in nursing: cross sectional study
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Research Support as Topic. Investigación
Apoyo a la Investigación como Asunto. Research
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Research Support as Topic

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This cross-sectional study aimed to investigate the profile of research productivity scholar from CNPq of the Nursing area. The sample consisted of 141 researchers and the research instrument consisted of a specific form including variables related to sociodemographic and curriculum characterization of the researchers. The data were organized in SPSS and were presented through descriptive statistics. We used the chi-square test and ANOVA. The significance level used in the statistical tests was 5%. It was found that the majority (97.16%) is female and is included in level 2 (61.70%), demonstrating the association between gender and the level of the researchers (p = 0.00). We conclude that there is a predominance of females, level 2, with the majority of researchers located in the Southeast, with doctoral training in Brazil and post-doctoral overseas
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