Interpersonal relations in social representations of the nursing care provided to HIV positive clientele
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Nursing Care
Interpersonal Relationships
Social Representations Cuidado de Enfermería
Relaciones Interpersonales
Representaciones Sociales Cuidados de Enfermagem
Relações Interpessoais
Representações Sociais

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It is preliminary note of the doctoral thesis that aims at analyzing the components of interpersonal relationships present in the social representations of nursing professionals about the nursing care provided to the HIV-positive client. The thesis shall consist of an exploratory descriptive study, based on a qualitative approach and the Theory of Social Representations, having as a scenario a public university hospital in the city of Rio de Janeiro and as subjects nursing professionals who care for HIV positive clients. Data collection will be done through the socio-economic-professional data and a semi-structured interview. The analysis will be performed initially using the software ALCESTE 4.10 to track the themes and structuring content and afterwards a thematic content analysis of the emerged classes will be carried out, aiming at characterizing the components interpersonal relationships and representational profiles.
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